What’s your strategy?

What are you best at and how would you like to position yourself?

Here you find hands support for your organisation to enter new markets in the farming, food and life sciences industries. From discovery to close, we help you make the right decisions.

Our unique approach to market research defines and wins potential customers and partners. Together we do the right things and create tangible results.

Let’s start the conversation.

Tell us about you!




Scale Up



    • Representative address
    • Response by phone and email
    • Personalised handling of leads and trouble shooting



    • Lead generation on all channels
    • Prospecting and close
    • Customer visits, after sales service and technical support



    Talk to us about your needs.
    We develop the right form of cooperation to build and expand your footprint in the market.




Food & Beverage

Spandern Haithabu Cows

Animal Health


Work with us

Dr. Barbara Spandern

We plough and sow.
You harvest.

  • Get the easy way in.
  • Get local appearance instantly.
  • Get access to key players and decision makers.

With a deep and lively network in production, trade, politics and academia we transparently conquer the market for you.

  1. Map the market
  2. Generate leads
  3. Close, secure, expand

With no lag-time your business kicks off
and opens the floor for further strategies.

Spandern Research

Dr. Barbara Spandern

Years of experience in animal health, breeding, life sciences and people management.

Michael Spandern

Agronomist and brewer
Senior business advisor and mentor with a strong background in supply chain, sales and leadership.